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Why invest in micro-breaks

Discover how short breaks throughout the day improve productivity

Have you noticed that your mood and productivity decrease if you don't take a break?

Heavy workloads and tight deadlines, along with what's becoming a never ending stream of virtual meetings, make it hard to remember we're not machines. We're not designed to be sat down, focusing and processing all day. Without restorative breaks, our ability to concentrate, think creatively or make decisions diminishes.

The simple truth is work is taxing, it takes energy and effort. In order to think, feel and work well, we need to rest and recharge throughout the day.

Research has found that regular short breaks of between 2-10 minutes are enough to maintain performance and prevent burnout.

I see actions that sustain and support us like credits to an account. By investing time in activities that replenish us, we recover capacity to meet the day’s demands. Without these regular credits, just like a bank account, we can find ourselves becoming overdrawn. Click for more about Mental Wealth Management Theory.

Unsplash: Vitaly Gariev

The science of recovery

All work effort draws from our mental, physical and psychological resources and, due to corresponding changes in the body's systems, set off strain reactions such as cognitive fatigue, low mood, stress.

Such changes are reversible, provided what’s caused them is stopped sufficiently long enough that actions that facilitate recovery can take place.

It’s been found that these depleted resources can be replenished by doing things that are restful, relaxing, divert our attention from work or give us a sense of control and/or mastery.

The restorative value of micro-breaks

We tend to think that recovery can only take place outside of working hours but science has found that recovery can be done whilst working and, is becoming increasingly necessary, for the knowledge worker.


Termed recovery or micro-breaks, such timeouts when filled with appropriate actions can reduce the effects of cumulative cognitive, physical, and psychological strain.

Done regularly, these 10 minute recovery activities can return the body's systems and processing capacity to pre-demand levels, benefiting our productivity, wellbeing and health.

By taking a break from work demands, we rest the thinking part of the brain, reset the nervous system, restore energy and ready for the next push.

Micro-break investment options

The key to successful recovery is doing things that require little social or intellectual effort and/or entrain the body's relaxation response.

Below are four things you might try.

1. Change your state

As we go about our day, depending on what happens and how we think about it, our mood can reduce.

Whilst we may think that how we feel is out of our hands, we can improve our mood by doing something we enjoy or that gives us a sense of mastery and control. This is termed behaviour activation.

How: clean/tidy/organise something, have a shower, journal, play an instrument, read something inspiring, watch a funny video or choose from any of the activities below that feel good to you.

2. Connect with others

We are social animals. Depending on how your day has shaped up perhaps you've had enough engagement for now but, if you’re feeling isolated then using these options can help fill the connection and belonging need we all have.

How: call to check-in with your partner/family/child, write a card to someone you care about, virtual coffee with friends/colleagues (no work talk allowed!).

3. Move your body

We are made for movement. Sitting down for long periods stresses our spine, hips and shoulders. It decreases blood flow in the legs and slows metabolism which impacts our ability to regulate blood sugar, blood pressure and break down fat.

Bringing more movement into your day has been shown to ease the body and energise the brain.

How: brief exercises (2 minutes of planks, push-ups, squats, using the stairs etc), chair yoga, put on your favourite track and dance, go for a short walk, shake, stretch.

4. Relax

Regularly taking time to relax relieves psychological and physical tension.

When we relax, our heart rate and blood pressure reduce, our minds become clearer and we find ourselves feeling calmer. In this state we are better able to cope, concentrate and think creatively.

How: breathwork, listen to calming music/natural sounds, doodle/mindful colour, take a nap, meditate, try progressive muscle relaxation, read a book/blog, visualise a place of calm/beauty, go/sit outside.

Investing well

The key is to take recovery breaks ahead of needing one!

When helping clients design and build micro-breaks into their working days, I encourage them to experiment with activities and timings to find what works best for them.

Some things to consider when planning breaks

  • Working memory is quickly overwhelmed. The brain is thought to need downtime every 50-90 minutes to process what we've been working on.

  • A break from one screen does not mean you should pick up another!

  • Consider using a timer when working. The Pomodoro technique consists of taking a 5 minute break every 25 minutes with a longer break (15-30 mins) after four working intervals.

  • When we say yes to one thing, we’re saying no to other things.

  • By the time you notice your inability to concentrate or pain in your shoulders, the point at which a 10 minute break would benefit has passed. Now you need a longer pause.

  • Put yourself (your breaks and what you'll do) on your to-do list.

  • Successful micro-break investors make private appointments in their electronic calendars so that break time is ring-fenced.

  • Build in breaks by shortening meeting bookings to 25 or 50 minutes.

  • Use the same recovery principles when you take your lunch break, the 30-60 minutes midway break is vital for wellbeing too.


Work is taxing. All effort has cognitive, physiological and psychological costs.

Such deficits are reversible, provided what’s caused them is stopped sufficiently long enough that actions that facilitate recovery can take place.

Short recovery breaks, when threaded throughout our working day, help sustain us and reduce the likelihood of finishing work moody and mentally tired.

Take care of you.

Wondering how and where you might schedule micro-breaks in your day? I can help you develop recovery rituals that support your wellbeing and maximise productivity. Message me about creating a micro-break habit.

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